[nfbwatlk] FW: [Nfbnet-members-list] IEP Advocacy at National Convention

Prows, Bennett (HHS/OCR) Bennett.Prows at HHS.GOV
Thu Jun 16 14:36:20 UTC 2016

Hi Listers,

Now, I'm not the sharpest tool in the drawer, so have patience with my question here. I have seen at least three messages about workshops and seminars at this year's convention, with the time of the meetings listed, but I can't find the specific date for each meeting listed in the messages. I have not yet read through the convention agenda, and so maybe there's an explanation there, but I wonder why dates aren't included in these announcements. Or do we assume that each of these things is scheduled on the day that is usually designated for seminars, which this year is June 30. Just asking!



From: Nfbnet-members-list [mailto:nfbnet-members-list-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of melissa--- via Nfbnet-members-list
Sent: Wednesday, June 15, 2016 2:10 PM
To: nfbnet-members-list at nfbnet.org
Subject: [Nfbnet-members-list] IEP Advocacy at National Convention

Hello fellow Federationists,
The National Organization of Parents of Blind Children are pleased to offer a workshop on IEP advocacy at this year's National Convention! Of course this workshop will provide great information to parents, but it is also meant for any Federation member who is interested in advocating at IEP meetings. President Riccobono asked the NOPBC to offer this training because we need more members around the country who can help families through the IEP process. So please consider attending this training, which will be provided by expert IEP advocate and president of the National Federation of the Blind of Maryland, Sharon Maneki.

8:30 - 9:45 pm Basic IEP Advocacy Training
Suwannee 18, Level 2
For NFB members and families who wish to help other families. Learn to advocate effectively at IEP meetings. How do you ask for things and get results? How do you stay calm?

Please feel free to contact Melissa Riccobono at
melissa at riccobono.us<mailto:melissa at riccobono.us>
with any questions about this training.
See you in Orlando!


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