[NFBWATLK] Fwd: Recruitment Announcement for Part-time On-call Program Specialist 5: State Rehabilitation Council for the Blind

Marci Carpenter mjc59 at comcast.net
Fri Aug 11 02:02:04 UTC 2017

> Begin forwarded message:
> From: "DEBORAH E. COOK" <debcook at uw.edu>
> Subject: Recruitment Announcement for Part-time On-call Program Specialist 5: State Rehabilitation Council for the Blind
> Date: August 10, 2017 at 3:42:40 PM PDT
> To: Doug Trimble <doug.trimble at hotmail.com>, "Eva L. de Leon" <elarr at uw.edu>, Gloria walling <glwerstein at juno.com>, Jen Bean <capjenbean at gmail.com>, "jerry johnsen" <capjerryj at gmail.com>, Kim Conner <connekb at dshs.wa.gov>, "Lou Oma Durand" <louoma.durand at dsb.wa.gov>, Marci Carpenter <mjc59 at comcast.net>, Nate Marshall <nate.marshall at gmail.com>, Sheila Turner <sheila at edithbishelcenter.org>, Steve Fiksdal <steve at fiksdal.com>, "Sue Ammeter" <sue.ammeter at cablespeed.com>, "Timothy J. Paulding" <tjpaulding at gmail.com>, Tracy Kahlo <tkahlo at wapave.org>, "Yvonne Thomas-Miller (yvonnetm at lummi-nsn.gov)" <yvonnetm at lummi-nsn.gov>
> 1Please circulate to all interested parties.
> From: Cox, Kristina (DSB) [mailto:kristina.cox at dsb.wa.gov <mailto:kristina.cox at dsb.wa.gov>]
> We are recruiting to fill a Program Specialist 5 <https://www.governmentjobs.com/careers/washington/jobs/1818443/program-specialist-5> position with the WA State Rehabilitation Council for the Blind. The Program Specialist 5 (PS5) provides oversite and management for all activities of the WA State Rehabilitation Council for the Blind (SRCB) and acts as a liaison between the SRCB and the Executive management of the Department of services for the Blind (DSB).
> Interested parties should apply online at the following link: Program Specialist 5 <https://www.governmentjobs.com/careers/washington/jobs/1818443/program-specialist-5>. For questions about the position, please contact DSB HR. For assistance with the online application call Angie Anderson at DES (360) 407-8446 or send an email tojobs at des.wa.gov <mailto:jobs at des.wa.gov>.
> The State of Washington is an equal opportunity employer. Persons with a disability who need this announcement in an alternative format, may call (360) 664-1960 or toll free (877) 664-1960. TTY users should first call 711 to access the Washington Relay Service <http://www.washingtonrelay.com/>.
> Thanks,
> Kristina Cox, Executive Assistant and Human Resources Consultant
> Department of Services for the Blind
> P.O. Box 40933, Olympia, WA 98504-0933
> Ph:  360-725-3836, Toll Free:  1-800-552-7103
> www.dsb.wa.gov <http://www.dsb.wa.gov/>

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