[nfbwatlk] Seattle Meeting at New Location

Kay Burrows theladykathryn4one at juno.com
Sun Apr 24 23:03:20 UTC 2011


On Saturday the 16th of April the Seattle Chapter met at theire new
location, Bruno's Restaurant.  It is located in downtown Seattle between two
of the tunnel stops.    It has a very reasonably priced menu of Italian and
Mexican food.  We really had a great time and it is easy to get there Thanks
to Jim Janney for negotiating this great and convenient location and to Mary
HeleHn for the Braille menues  We had a . larger than usual turn out for the
meeting.  President Mike Freeman and wife Connie joined us.  Our treasurer,
Doug Johnson was missing after being injured on The Oregon fund raising
cruise.  I am sure he will have much  to tell us when he returns.



oPresident Mike Mello was able to aquire one of those new niffty one cup
brewers and a large selection of the  coffee that goes with  as our fall
auction donationit.  Coffee from the coffee city.



We are now beginning to plan our annual picnic, to which you all are
invited.  No definate date as of yet, but we will try to avoid conflict with
the Sea Fair!  Look for more information to follow.



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