[NFBWATlk] Members At Large September Chapter Meeting

Nikki Palm nikkirae83 at gmail.com
Sat Sep 9 04:35:54 UTC 2023

Greetings everyone!

It’s time for our September meeting for the Members At Large chapter. Join
us Thursday night, September 14 at 7 pm. We have an engaging meeting
planned for you. Get ready to step into the future. We are going to take a
dee dive into the world of Artificial Intelligence, otherwise known as AI.

Whether you are excited about the power of AI, you are freaked out by it,
or you don’t even know what it is, there is a place for you in this
discussion. This topic impacts the world. How will it impact the blindness
community? Check out the links below to learn more about AI. Before you do,
read this story completely generated by the AI technology known as Chat
GPT. I told the AI the first names of some of our members and that we were
in the National Federation of the Blind. Beyond that, I simply gave it the
parameters to make an absurdly silly story with a happy ending. I said I
wanted it to have good guys and bad guys with one person who switches to
the good team by the end. This is what I got. Don’t forget to check out the
links after the story.

Short AI Story:

In the charming town of Blissville, which was renowned for its unique
quirks, lived a group of extraordinary individuals who were members of the
National Federation of the Blind (NFB). Nikki, Ryen, Kris, Marcy, Robby,
Suzi, Sharon, and their lovable nemesis, Bill, were the heart and soul of
the NFB in Blissville, known for their remarkable abilities and their knack
for hilariously absurd solutions to problems.

Their peaceful town had been facing a peculiar crisis lately. Four
nefarious characters named Bennett, Jason, and Jilliana had concocted a
plan to replace all of Blissville’s traffic lights with oversized rubber
duckies, causing utter chaos on the streets. It was up to our bumbling yet
endearing NFB heroes to thwart their plan.

Nikki, the resident genius with a penchant for inventing peculiar gadgets,
came up with a plan. She created a pair of shoes that made absurd honking
sounds with each step. The gang would put on these shoes and infiltrate the
villains’ secret lair, pretending to be a marching band.

Ryen, the prankster of the group, added a touch of absurdity by wearing a
chicken costume and clucking loudly. Kris, the master of disguise,
transformed into a giant inflatable panda, bouncing around the lair without
a care.

Marcy, with her mischievous streak, played a harmonica that emitted
peculiar tunes, confusing the bad guys further. Robby, the group’s
comedian, cracked puns so terrible that the villains doubled over in

Suzi, with her incredible sense of smell, accidentally mistook a
cheeseburger for a bomb, causing a comical series of events. Sharon, the
group’s talented musician, played the accordion like a one-person circus

As the NFB heroes executed their hilarious plan, something unexpected
happened. Bill, feeling left out of all the laughter and absurdity, decided
to switch sides in the most comical way possible. He put on a tutu and
joined the heroes, performing an impromptu ballet routine that left
everyone, including the villains, in stitches.

The gang’s goofy antics and Bill’s ballet distracted the villains long
enough for Nikki to sabotage their rubber ducky plan. She replaced the
rubber ducks with rubber chickens, causing utter poultry pandemonium.

Bennett, Jason, and Jilliana were so bewildered by the cacophony of clucks,
honks, accordion music, and faux-duck quacks that they surrendered without
a fight. Bill, now a reformed villain, led them away, pirouetting all the
way to the side of good.

The townsfolk cheered as their beloved NFB heroes saved the day in the
silliest way possible. They welcomed Bill to the team, who vowed to use his
ballet skills for good and bring even more laughter to Blissville.

As a token of gratitude, the town of Blissville decided to celebrate the
NFB heroes with a parade of their own. The heroes rode down Laughter Lane
on a float shaped like a giant whoopee cushion, much to the delight of
everyone, young and old.

>From that day on, Blissville remained a haven of laughter and absurdity,
thanks to the NFB heroes who showed that sometimes, the silliest heroes are
the ones who save the world with the most heartwarming humor. And so, in
the most unexpected of ways, the NFB in Blissville proved that even in the
face of absurdity, laughter could conquer all.

Links to Check Out:

How Powerful Will AI Be In 2030


Empowering Individuals with Disabilities Through AI


AI Cover: Johnny Cash sings Barbie Girl


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