[NFBWATlk] November / December BELL Academy Meeting

Kris Colcock kris at colcock.com
Mon Dec 18 21:33:40 UTC 2023

Hello All,

The time for this meeting is 7pm PST.

Agenda Items:

1. Training during the NFBW State Convention - for those attending our
state convention the first weekend of March in Vancouver. We will be
offering a BELL Academy Training. Is there something specific you
would like to address during this training?

2. During the 2023 Academy we had visits from the NWAVA, Washington
Talking Book and Braille Library and ViewPlus. In 2024 we will, if
following a similar schedule, have four uninterupted days of
instruction and one day of partial instruction with a field trip. I'd
like to hear ideas of who would be a good visitor in the afternoon
between 3 -5pm.

3. Clarification on volunteer roles / applications / background checks
for anyone who needs it.

Figuring a short meeting tonight as we are all getting ready for our
own holiday celebrations.

Marci Carpenter  She/her is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: BELL Academy Meeting Room
Time: 7:00pm PST
Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 840 1349 2503
Passcode: 232057


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Meeting ID: 840 1349 2503
Passcode: 232057

Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kx4D0BbCl

On 12/18/23, NFB of Oregon <president at nfb-oregon.org> wrote:
> Sorry, please remind me what time this meeting will be held.
> Carla McQuillan
> President
> National Federation
> Of the Blind of Oregon
> 541-6539153
> On Dec 18, 2023, at 9:08 AM, Justin Harford <blindstein at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello everyone
> This is a friendly reminder of tonight's meeting continuing the planning for
> the BELL program. Looking forward to seeing you all. You can find the zoom
> meeting information in the previous email sent by Kris.
> Regards
> Justin Harford
> Oregon Bell Academy Coordinator
>> On Nov 20, 2023, at 8:11 PM, Kris Colcock <kris at colcock.com> wrote:
>> Good Evening everyone,
>> Well, here I sit feeling foolish. It is the 3rd Monday of the month
>> and I did not send out a reminder for our BELL Academy Meeting. If I
>> had to drop the ball on meetings this was the one to do it. There is
>> not much forward movement right now. Here are the updates I was going
>> to share:
>> 1. BELL Training is going to be Feb. 8 - 11 in Baltimore. Each
>> affiliate may send one Coordinator and one teacher.
>> 2. The theme of the BELL Academy for 2024 is close to being announced,
>> you'll know as soon as I do.
>> 3. Start thinking about your reference letters. They should speak to
>> your strengths and why you would be a good match for the BELL Academy.
>> 4. When Justin, Carla and I get the volunteer Google sheet up and
>> running, we will send out an email.
>> 5. BELL Brochures / flyers are being developed by Baltimore and will
>> be sent to each affiliate when they are ready.
>> 6. If you wish to help or give presentations to school districts,
>> groups or agencies let Justin, Carla or I know.
>> 7. Chris Higley has suggested finding a baker who is willing to make
>> cookies with the NFB or BELL in braille on the cookie. We could then
>> turn around and sell these cookies at conventions or resource fairs to
>> raise money for the Academy.
>> As far as I can think, that is what I had. How are others doing What
>> questions are there? Does December 18 work for our next Zoom call?
>> Below is Zoom information for our meetings and the recording of our
>> September meeting.
>> Marci Carpenter  She/her is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
>> Topic: BELL Academy Meeting Room
>> Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime
>> Join Zoom Meeting
>> https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84013492503?pwd=M252SWJKK3orQk1qTHo1K0RGckNrQT09
>> Meeting ID: 840 1349 2503
>> Passcode: 232057
>> ---
>> One tap mobile
>> +12532158782,,84013492503#,,,,*232057# US (Tacoma)
>> +12532050468,,84013492503#,,,,*232057# US
>> ---
>> Meeting ID: 840 1349 2503
>> Passcode: 232057
>> Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kx4D0BbCl
>> The recording link is :
>> https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/6p5g6OLiYMlwTfalNa4S6TIHw1CdaNXP5T2oG1nj-DrCXuXfQtapl6dtyOAuy1qy.b98vaiS43eLPV-uP
>> Passcode: Q.H1zL1C
>> Thanks ,
>> Kris

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