[NFBWATlk] NFBW Members At Large Chapter Meeting Reminder May 12

Kristina Colcock tishgifts at gmail.com
Wed May 11 03:12:15 UTC 2022


To Pay  Dues Please go to PayPal.com and send money to :Payments at nfbw.org

I guess I didn't proof the email... sorry for any confusion

On 5/10/22, Kristina Colcock <tishgifts at gmail.com> wrote:
> This is it, what you have been waiting for! Yep, it is the monthly
> reminder of our NFB of Washington’s Members at Large Meeting! This
> month along with all of our usual shenanigans, we will hear from Suzi
> Prows. She is going to tell us all about canning. Personally I never
> tried to preserve food through canning. I thought it was something
> that was out of my wheelhouse. Suzi is showing us that this is not so.
> The other exciting item is our June drawing. For all of those who have
> paid their member dues by the Monday before our June meeting (June
> 7th) your name will be entered in our drawing for a $25 Amazon gift
> card. If you paid your dues after December 1, 2021, you are in. It is
> easy to pay the $5 through PayPal.com. Just go to PayPal.com and enter
> the email address Payments at gmail.com and send $5 to your good friend
> the NFB of WA. Please put a note in the note section that this is for
> the MAL members dues. If you want to send check or money order you can
> make it out to the NFB of WA, put a note that it is for the NFBW MAL
> Chapter dues and mail it to NFB of WA, PO Box 2516, Seattle, WA 98111.
> If you are not sure if you are paid up, just drop Kris Colcock a line
> at Kris at colcock.com.
> For our May 12th meeting, the meeting starts at 7:30pm but the doors
> open at 7:15pm for some social time. Just use the below link to sign
> in to Zoom via your computer, smart phone, tablet or laptop. If you
> are using a land line, just call in using the numbers listed.
> We look forward to seeing you all at the meeting!
> Topic: NFBW Members At Large
> Time: Thursday May 12 @ 7:30pm (Doors open at 7:15pm)
> Join Zoom Meeting
> https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81030669502?pwd=dEJTWjRQeXRzdjF5THk1NUlCVG90dz09
> Meeting ID: 810 3066 9502
> Passcode: 823589
> One tap mobile
> +12532158782,,81030669502#,,,,*823589# US (Tacoma)
> +13462487799,,81030669502#,,,,*823589# US (Houston)
> Dial by your location
>         +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
>         +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
> Meeting ID: 810 3066 9502
> Passcode: 823589

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