[NFBWATlk] NFBW Members at Large Chapter Meeting

Kristina Colcock tishgifts at gmail.com
Thu Jan 6 00:09:41 UTC 2022

Hello Fellow Chapter Members, Family and Friends,

Hope you had a wonderful start to 2022! It is hard to believe we have
turned the corner on another year. So many new things happen at the
beginning of a new year. For us, we start a new year with elections,
updates on Washington Seminar and learning what the year has in store for
us within the NFB. Of course since this is just the beginning of the year,
things can change but at least we will have an outline!

One of the things that is done at the beginning of the year is to pay dues
for the coming year. This is important for a number of reasons including
being able to cast a vote within the chapter and affiliate and run for
office. Dues for the year are $5. Because we meet virtually, we need to
send in dues virtually or via the USPS. If you wish to use PayPal to send
in your dues, just go to PayPal.com and when you are prompted to enter an
email for the recipient select Payments at nfbw.org. Also, be sure to put in
the note area that this is for Members at Large Dues. Our state Treasurer,
Corey, will truly appreciate it!

If you are sending money through the mail, please send it to the Post
office box in Seattle. The address is: NFBW, PO Box 2516, Seattle, WA
98111. Please be sure to put a note in with your check that it is for the
Members at Large Chapter dues.

Our next meeting is scheduled for January 14 at 7:30pm via Zoom. We will
have a chance to talk about upcoming events and especially Washington
Seminar. This is also the time when we will elect a new chapter board. If
anyone is interested in holding a chapter board position, please ask any
questions and let me know. Chapter board positions are for 1 year and run
from January to January.

So many good things are happening within the federation! Please join us
next Thursday to share in the fun!

Topic: NFBW Members At Large

Time: January 14 @ 7:30PM

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 810 3066 9502

Passcode: 823589

One tap mobile

+12532158782,,81030669502#,,,,*823589# US (Tacoma)

+13462487799,,81030669502#,,,,*823589# US (Houston)

Dial by your location

        +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)

Meeting ID: 810 3066 9502

Passcode: 823589

Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/ketMpSSBH6

Kris Colcock

President, NFBW Members at Large Chapter


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