[nfbwatlk] Flash Sonar

Becky Frankeberger b.butterfly at comcast.net
Tue Jun 23 15:16:03 UTC 2015

Well The gang teaching Flash Sonar do not teach constant clicking. They also
teach softer clicks. Now the videos that are out there have the clicking
sounds loud, so people understand what a fast sharp sound it is. Because it
is sharp the sound travels differently and one can figure out if a car or
mailbox is next to you or across the street.


Ariel, (sorry misspelled your name, warm apologies) good point about it is
similar to hearing sound from our canes or dog's nails bouncing off things
to know if they are close or far, large or small. But hey learning the
technique to ride a bike again just using clicks, that has got to be the
coolest feeling. So the new technique shouldn't embarrass anyone.


Becky Frankeberger

Butterfly Knitting

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becky at butterflyknitting.com



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