[gui-talk] Fwd: Article: Primpo to introduce 'Isonic', its revolutionary white cane for the visually impaired

Steve Pattison srp at internode.on.net
Wed Mar 24 05:19:50 UTC 2010

From: Red Wolf


      Primpo to introduce 'Isonic', its revolutionary white cane for the visually impaired 
            [ Joshua 2010-03-22 ]  
         SEOUL, Korea (AVING Special Report on 'Hong Kong Electronics Fair 2010') -- <Visual News> Primpo Co., Ltd. (CEO Jai Kim, www.primpo.com) will introduce its revolutionary new cane product for the visually impaired, "Isonic", at the Hong Kong Electronics Fair, to be held for four days from April 13 to 16, 2010. The company will participate in the exhibition as part of a project initiated by the district administration of Gangnam-gu, to assist Korean firms in their overseas marketing activities. 

      Unlike conventional white canes, with which a user can not detect obstacles above waist height, the "Isonic" model can detect obstacles within a range of 25 degrees horizontally and 50 degrees vertically with an integrated supersonic sensor.

      The product can also detect obstacles within a distance of 2 meters, as well as very slim objects, narrower than 3cm. With decreasing distance to an object, the cane's vibrating indicator sends a stronger signal to the user, pinpointing the location of the obstacle.

      A feature to inform a visually impaired user of an object's color draws special attention. With a color sensor attached, the user is informed by voice messages of 10 detectable colors and their brightness, including red, orange and blue. 

      Field tests conducted with 15 people in September of 2009 yielded very satisfying results. 

      The CEO of Primpo, Jai Kim, said, "The ultimate functionality of the "Isonic" is to allow the visually impaired to move around freely without having to rely on a conventional cane. Prior to developing this product, we conducted a survey with more than 600 handicapped students and teachers. Among others, the color indication feature drew the most attention."

      (Photo Caption: Ultrasonic and color sensors mounted)

      (Photo Caption: Button for power, color and contrast)

Regards Steve
Email:  srp at internode.on.net
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