[Colorado-Talk] NFB Performing Arts Division Board Member To Be Featured On Interview In Make A Wish 24 Hour Radiothon On Sunday

David Dunphy ddunphy02211980 at gmail.com
Sat Dec 19 20:51:15 UTC 2020

Seasons Greetings To All!
The time has come at last. Our 24 hour radiothon for The Make A Wish
Foundation starts at 11 PM central tonight (midnight eastern) and goes
for a full 24 hours on 986 The Mix.
Join us as we....
Share Make A Wish stories of how this awesome charity has helped to
make wishes come true, including interviewing a wish kid
Hear both holiday and regular songs until we go all holiday at 7 PM eastern
Hear from the makers of some of our fabulous prizes.
Bask in some of our holiday radiothon traditions.
Hear about an album of Sesame street songs created by NFB performing
arts division board member Kristina Jones and voice actress Rena
Throw the traditional Djd Invasion We Need A Little Christmas bash at
7 PM eastern, in the final 5 hours.
Draw our prize winners
Play some cool games and maybe give away additional prizes
And more.....
You'll be able to donate at any time during the entire radiothon event.
Speaking of donating, if you'd like to learn more about our fund
raiser and the 24 hour radiothon we're doing for Make A Wish, visit
As of the writing of this email, we've raised $1,053. Can we do more?
One thing you can do is tune in at any time and throughout the day on
December 20 by
Asking your smart speaker or google to play 986 The Mix on Tunein
You can also enable the GetMeRadio skill on alexa, then ask it to play
986 The Mix.
In addition to listening in a number of ways, you're invited and
encouraged to use the zoom platform or your phone to drop by our
virtual cloud studios. To join, here's what you need to do.
1. Put this link into your browser of choice or click it:
2. Put the meeting ID into zoom's join meeting box; the ID is
863 9795 6629
3. If you have trouble, , you can dial in by phone at
and entering the ID
863 9795 6629
I love supporting this exciting cause, and hope you'll be part of our
24 hour day of holiday fun and giving back.
Happy holidays and see you there.
>From David

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