[Colorado-talk] An interesting Super Bowl party

Kevan Worley Kevan at wefitwellness.com
Thu Feb 1 22:36:19 UTC 2018

Greetings Colleagues,

I thought some of you might be interested in augmenting your Super Bowl party experience. I send this along for what it may be worth to you.

Super Bowl Party!

Ever spoken with an Aira Agent? Aira agents are trained and certified professionals that provide vivid descriptions and live information to people who are blind or low vision to greatly enhance an experience or to accomplish any task. From stopping for morning coffee, to making that dream journey around the globe, or experiencing an iconic sporting event; as Aira Explorers have said: "Aira agents provide audio description of life"

Aira's Virtual Super Bowl Party

Join Aira for a Virtual Super Bowl Party on February 4th from 6:00 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. EST. Aira agents (and avid football fans) Patrick and Emily are gearing up to provide the best-in-class real-time audio narration to Aira Explorer and Director of Product Management, Greg Stilson, who will be attending the big game in Minneapolis, MN.

Greg will get play-by-play visual descriptions of all the exciting action on the field, the commercials, and the half-time show. Aira will be there to provide vivid audio narration as Greg sees the field for the first time, shops for souvenirs, navigates the stadium, and experiences the energy of the crowd.

Celebrate with us by listening in to Greg's entire experience live. While most of us will be watching from home, Aira intends to make it easier to get a little closer to the big game.

Who is it for?

You don't need to be a current Aira Explorer to join the party -- anyone can tune in to Greg's gameday Aira experience starting at 6:00 p.m. ET by doing any of the following:

  1.  Call 1-877-568-4108 and enter passcode 536-565-714
  2.  Watch the Webcast<https://global.gotowebinar.com/join/7956429365866274819/646982673>
  3.  Watch on YouTube<https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvTWpoo6BVrn2pOFreWQGGw>
  4.  Watch on Facebook Live<https://www.facebook.com/aira.io/>

Note to Aira Explorers: You don't need to call into dashboard for this experience. Instead, use any of the above methods.

For those of you who want to sign up for Aira, tune in during half time for a special promo code that expires Feb 5th at 3:00 p.m. EST.

Don't forget to Tweet us @airaio on gameday using #airabowl. Tell us about your favorite commercials, comment on the halftime show, and of course let us know who you're rooting for!

What is Aira?

Aira is today's fastest growing assistive community, revolutionizing the everyday lifestyles of people who are blind or low vision. Advanced wearable technology with wireless access to a distributed network of trained human professionals unlocks the potential for Aira explorers to efficiently accomplish any task, big or small. Learn more about Aira at www.aira.io<http://www.aira.io>.

Hear from Patrick Lane<https://vimeo.com/222417755> and Emily Hill<https://vimeo.com/222381129> what being an Aira agent means to them.

General Tweet:

@airaio is making the Super Bowl a little more awesome for people who are blind or low vision. Tune in to the Aira Virtual Super Bowl Party this Sunday go.aira.io/superbowl #airabowl
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