[Colorado-talk] NFB Aurora Chapter Meeting Minutes April 2017

Blanca Roman broman at cocenter.org
Fri May 26 07:00:21 UTC 2017

NFB Aurora
Chapter Meeting
Minutes April 29, 2017

 The meeting was called to order by Wayne Marshall, President at 10:30 am.  16  were present which included 2 new members Darrell and Gary;  Rhema was also welcomed back, and Bob and Carol from Durango were in attendance today.  Welcome to Colorado, Aurora and the chapter.  All were welcomed by Wayne.  Wayne also thanked Dale for running last months meeting.  He also expressed the chapters appreciation to James, Past Treasurer for all his service to the chapter for the past three years.    All members joined in applause.  James was speechless but took the opportunity of saying he had full confidence in Willie’s abilities.   Wayne thanked Willie for stepping up and accepting that nomination and that we look forward to working with him as the chapters new treasurer. 

The first order of business was listening to the Presidential Release of the NFB, Number 460 from Mark Ricabono.

Board Officers, Board Members and Chapter Members introduced themselves.

Dale thanked all recipients of the elections of last month in accepting the nominations and that you all have done a very good job in fulfilling that obligation.  Wayne spoke of the importance of fulfilling the responsibilities of the board positions.  He thanked all those who accepted the chapters nominations.  As you know, when you take on one of these positions and accept you have full intentions of fulling this responsibility. Its important that you communicate your inability to fulfill that responsibility.  This shows your committee to the chapter.  Wayne spoke of some of the great things the chapter has been involved in: changes within the NFB, reached out to legislators, gone to the capital, assisting members on going to convention, and made some difference in the city of aurora.

Wayne then spoke of the NFB Convention which is coming up in July from the 10th to the 15th in Orlando, Florida.  Early Registration ends on May 31st and early registration is $25.00 at that point.  Room rates are $89.00.  He advised that  if any seniors were going,  they can get assistance from our seniors division at the Center; just contact Diane McGeorge, President of Senior Division.  Any members who are not seniors (as well as seniors) can apply for a scholarships for assistance to attend The National Convention.  Also, all who are active members can receive assistance from the affiliate and our chapter.  Only those who are seniors can receive assistance from our Senior Group, Affiliate and Chapter.  But those who are not seniors can receive assistance from the State and Chapter.

James inquired about applying for assistance for the National Convention and when is the deadline to apply for assistance. Wayne informed the members to contact Wayne, Dale or Willie.  Call them, email, or speak to them in person; but written documentation is the best.  James also informed the members that there scholarships available for any members who have never attended the National Convention.  The deadline for applying is April 15th.  

Blanca Secretary read the minutes of the last meeting {April, 2017).   Minutes were approved by all members.

The treasurer’s (Willie) Report was read and approved with an ending balance of $510.88

Dale requested feedback from Wayne on the Affiliates Meeting.  Wayne reported there were no issues with our chapter as far as the National Federation for the Blind is concerned.  There was positive feedback from Scot LeBaron.  He looked forward to  our reports.  We are a healthy chapter and their were no objections to changes to our chapters  constitution.  Wayne informed the members that he went to Ft Collins to assist in starting a chapter there.

Fundraising ideas were discussed to sell at the National Convention, such as selling t’shirts or raffeling some Echo Dots.  

Edith and Dale brought in the Aurora Chapters T-Shirts.  Orders were taken.  $15.00 for one or two for $25.00.  Pay upon receipt.  

Wayne informed the group that the center had visited the capital to show support for the Bill on Sustainable Transportation.  He also informed the group that the “H” line was extended in Aurora.  Also the Mayor of the City of Aurora has proclaimed the month of October as White Cane Month.  Priscilla and Edith are interested in working with Wayne in this endeavor.  

Other Projects discussed included:  Kernal Books, John’s books which he donated to the chapter; talking books.  Judy Informed the members that last month we made $100.00f in funds raised by selling Goodies at chapter meetings.  

John discussed several ideas for fundraising.  Dale will take the lead in getting a member of the police department to speak at one of the chapters meetings.  

Meeting was adjourned at 12:30. 

Sent from my iPad

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