[Colorado-talk] FW: Call to Action Today!

Jessica Beecham jbeecham at cocenter.org
Mon Jul 29 18:04:57 UTC 2013

Dear Federationists, Friends, and Family:

  We need your help.  There is an important piece of national legislation being discussed in Washington that profoundly affects the blindness community.  There is a bill in committee (Senate Bill S 1356) which will reauthorize the Workforce Investment Act.  There are several provisions in that Act that are very detrimental to blind workers and must be removed from the language of the Act, including the right for certain employers to pay blind workers less than minimum wage.  The Senate Health, Education Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee is scheduled to discuss and vote on this bill on Wednesday, July 31.  Colorado Senator Bennet is on the HELP Committee and we must let him know that the blind of Colorado need his support in removing the problem language from the bill.  Attached is the full explanation from the NFB Director of Advocacy and Policy.  Read it for the full details, then call or e-mail Senator Bennet.

Briefly, here is the information you need to when making your contact:

Sen. Michael F. Bennet (D-CO)
(202) 224-5852<tel:%28202%29%20224-5852>
Chief of Staff: Jonathan Davidson jonathan_davidson at bennet.senate.gov<mailto:jonathan_davidson at bennet.senate.gov>
HELP Contact: Rohini Kosoglu rohini_kosoglu at bennet.senate.gov<mailto:rohini_kosoglu at bennet.senate.gov>

What you need to say:
"I am a voting constituent in Colorado and I am respectfully requesting that the WIA reauthorization be amended to:

(1) Remove Section 511 of the Rehabilitation Act.
(2) Remove the language transferring RSA to the Department of Labor.

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