[NFBWATLK] FW: Cindy Watson now President and CEO at The Lighthouse for the Blind, Inc.

Nightingale, Noel Noel.Nightingale at ed.gov
Fri Apr 19 18:24:00 UTC 2019

From: The Lighthouse for the Blind, Inc. [mailto:news at lhblind.org]
Sent: Friday, April 19, 2019 10:20 AM
Subject: Cindy Watson now President and CEO at The Lighthouse for the Blind, Inc.

[Image removed by sender.]

[Image removed by sender. Lighthouse logo]

Tenured Executive in the Blindness Field, Senior Vice President
Cindy Watson, now President and CEO at
The Lighthouse for the Blind, Inc.

[Image removed by sender. Cindy Watson]

After a nationwide search, The Lighthouse Board of Trustees announced Monday that the President and CEO of The Lighthouse for the Blind, Inc. will be filled by Senior Vice President Cindy Watson.

Ms. Watson joined the Lighthouse last year as it celebrated its 100th year in operation. Ms. Watson has dedicated her 19-year career to a mission of creating opportunities for people who are blind.

In her role as a Lighthouse Senior Vice President, Ms. Watson led efforts in strategic planning, provided oversight to each of the key departments at the Lighthouse, and contributed her many years of expertise to the full range of Lighthouse operations.

“As the Lighthouse enters into the next 100 years, I am honored to lead this inspiring organization. In partnership with our Board of Trustees and dedicated staff, we strive to become the employer of choice for people who are blind, DeafBlind, and blind with other disabilities in the United States. Employment equals empowerment; that is why we create diverse, sustainable, and meaningful job opportunities,” said Cindy Watson.

To read more about Ms. Watson, click here<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001-qPjZF2QuSLsMHyBUZgW9IwqOKa0wvfOAxFg7LJhncHBI1RuesJvGCh--w8uRCppN88ZQG_MatZKfWu6FRYwLoLpjvvmzamN6x3kkJbUChz3P6SOtkm84MQcil0FMeAKzHyR6wZFdckoXDiquBuMH6f6ZjVC47DBThcdPRPpsmRw2S6Tq_HHZMTPQStlK2pseJMtLddlVVjyDLcCG1MjD-ZtQOgE-ODMXXFdkA1Gt7hxWbzqUtJ4HGveXRTKQ2JRvANbVTg4Zp3__mCcEWHqpUMSY-bQmKFFjVCOAh4-Ny4xinUrCm9K-1bzIgoDNDRQwA0Ji_QF3sg=&c=ChHog53kEBSYbYgaojNps5eiDPAJAoISO5jo0UT2l6ywplLRA5d1jg==&ch=b9rhtIP-ZNLxkx-Xu7wKFEHwZzRW5nxs2UFCYAZhhdGzcWsE2jgnHQ==>.

The Lighthouse for the Blind, Inc. | 2501 S. Plum Street, Seattle, WA 98144

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