[nfbwatlk] Cno/King Chapter meeting next week

Julie Warrington jdwtlc at frontier.com
Wed Apr 4 14:47:23 UTC 2012

hello Federationists.

Want to put out the notice of our meeting next Tuesday April 10 @ 6:30pm at Georgios Italian in Everett.

Really want to see you all there.  Bring friends and family.
come a little early to enjoy some excellent Italian food. Would like to have everyone bring ideas and thoughts on the events for the upcoming months. would like to plan a picnic or BBQ when the weather gets nice. A chance to get to know one another and enjoy the sunshine.  I live on a private lake and could offer a quiet neighborhood to gather.
Pleas come and let's all share the fellowship and share ideas of how we can grow and make our chapter a great success!.
Look forward to seeing you all there.
 Julie Warrington / VP
Call with any questions or if anyone has contact info  of any members,  I would appreciate any and all 

**********  Today's Quote **********
Life is too short for negative drama & petty things. 
So laugh insanely, love truly, and forgive quickly!   

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