[nfbwatlk] FW: Vote no on I-1125

Jacob Struiksma lawnmower84 at hotmail.com
Tue Oct 25 07:26:47 UTC 2011




Hi -- 

Environmental, labor, community and business leaders all agree that Tim
Eyman's I-1125 is a bad deal for Washington. We're joined by the Spokesman
E5C575B> Review, Yakima
Herald, Seattle
E5C595A> Times, Everett
E5C585E> Herald, Olympian
E5C5F5E> , Columbian
E5C5857> , and Tacoma
E5C585D> News Tribune. 

Now, we're counting on you - please vote no on I-1125!
friend_KEY=8471> Click here to sign our petition against I-1125.

Masquerading as a measure about tolling, 1125 is a dangerous and
irresponsible initiative designed to halt major transportation projects
across the state. Like with many of Eyman's initiatives, the devil is in the

I-1125 makes tolling more difficult -- and less helpful. 
I-1125 seeks to ban the use of variable tolling and limit where and when
tolls could be used.  I-1125 doesn't prevent tolling, it merely hands the
ability to toll over to the state legislature.  Currently, an independent,
non-partisan commission of experts sets toll rates in the state.  No other
state in the country allows politicians to set and control toll rates. 

I-1125 costs taxpayers around the state.
The  <http://cts.vresp.com/c/?Futurewise/66a0c72eeb/39b4e2cc53/b2a0c257bf>
State Treasurer recently noted just how dangerous politicizing this issue
is. His analysis found that the uncertainty created by allowing politicians
to set toll rates will cost Washington State billions in bond financing for
important projects while increasing financing costs for taxpayers by
hundreds of millions of dollars.  

I-1125 threatens voter-approved light rail. 
According to Eyman, if I-1125 passes it would kill the voter-approved plan
to build light rail across Lake Washington on the I-90 floating bridge.
That alone would create gridlock and cost our economy hundreds of jobs and
billions in lost wages, all while putting the future economic vitality of
the region at risk.  We can't afford I-1125.

friend_KEY=8471> is a bad deal for Washington. Join us in voting NO on

Thanks for your support,

Hilary Franz
Executive Director

PS. You can read
<http://cts.vresp.com/c/?Futurewise/66a0c72eeb/39b4e2cc53/ec6e8b4da9> I-1125
here. And
<http://cts.vresp.com/c/?Futurewise/66a0c72eeb/39b4e2cc53/f1e88831cf> check
out the Keep Washington Rolling campaign here - that's the coalition we've
joined to help defeat Eyman's I-1125. 

3&ldh=39b4e2cc53> this message to a friend
 <http://cts.vresp.com/c/?Futurewise/66a0c72eeb/39b4e2cc53/e936cd1d2d> Join,
Renew, Give


friend_KEY=8471> Vote NO on I-1125!



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