[nfbwatlk] Forest Park in Everett

Lauren Merryfield lauren1 at catliness.com
Fri Apr 1 03:07:39 UTC 2011

Duane Smith asked me to visit Forest Park and evaluate the Everett Lions Club-sponsored braille map and audio information for the park which has been newly-revised.  I went yesterday, when it was raining, so I didn't walk the trail as I'd hoped to.  However, I did work with the map which has nice contracted braille on it and areadable key for the tactile representations of attributes of the park.  I made several suggestions, but I will be unable to come back to do the walk and do further help with the staff since the kitties and I are moving Tuesday.  If there is anyone else out there who is a good braille reader, who could help the Lions Club and Forest Park in Everett, that would be really helpful.  It isn't a trail for the blind; they are just wanting to enhance the information that everyone uses.  
advice from my cats: "meow when you feel like it."
"There are two means of refuge from the miseries of life: music and cats." ~ 
Albert Schweitzer
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