[Cccnfbw] diabetes walk

goldbeckjm at comcast.net goldbeckjm at comcast.net
Mon Sep 19 19:38:29 UTC 2011

Hi Clark County NFB, 

After speaking with Bob, I got the impression the chapter wouldn't be walking in the diabetes walk this year.   But I'm still walking and am looking for small donations. 

This September 24 I'm walking in the Step Out to Stop Diabetes Walk to be held at the Battle Ground Village in Battle Ground, WA.  


My grandmother lost both legs to diabetes and ended up in a nursing home. 


I'm writing to ask if you would be willing to make a $10 donation?  I'm trying to raise $150.  Funds raised will be used for:  research to find a cure/better clinical treatment, local programs such as the Diabetes Expo/Safe at School Program, and to give a voice to those denied their rights due to diabetes. 

Diabetes affects your eyes, kidneys, heart, etc. 



If you can donate please make checks payable to:  American Diabetes Association and mail them to me.  I turn them in on the day of the walk.  

Julie Goldbeck 

P. O. Box 6035 

Vancouver, WA  98668-6035 


Thank you for your help.   I appreciate it. 



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