[Cccnfbw] FW: donations

robert sellers robertsellers500 at comcast.net
Fri Sep 9 06:44:26 UTC 2011


Ime forwarding an email which gives directions on donating to a walker  in
our team or to the NFB team.

You can pass this onto people you know to donate on your behalf.

The proble I had was more with learning ms office 2010. I've had people try
it and others seem to do ok. 

I'm to tired tonight to try and cut and paste it out of the email.


For those who are walking, I'm working with C-tran in  transporting us up as
a team.



From: Lauren Worley [mailto:LWorley at diabetes.org] 
Sent: Wednesday, August 31, 2011 11:19 PM
To: robert sellers
Subject: RE: donations


Hi Robert,

I hope this is helpful to you! Please let me know if you have any additional

1. Go to www.diabetes.org/clarkcountystepout
2. Click on 'Sponsor a Walker' in the red buttons across the top
3. Search for the participant name and select it on the list below
4. Click on 'Click Here to Sponsor Me' a red button above the thermometer
(On this same page, below the button there is a link to the NFB team page,
where donors can make a team donation vs. the individual one.)
5. This should take you to the gift page

I didn't have any trouble finding you, so I'm not sure what the problem may
have been. Sometimes it has an issue if you are logged in when you go to
make the donation. If you look to the box in the top right corner of the
screen it will either have login fields, or it will say "Hello Robert". If
it looks like you're logged in, log out and try again. Let me know if that
doesn't solve it and I'll see what else I can do!



From: robert sellers [robertsellers500 at comcast.net]
Sent: Thursday, September 01, 2011 1:32 AM
To: Lauren Worley
Subject: donations


Hi Lauren,


To provide information to others on the path for donating to our team or an
individual,  I tried to go in to the donation part of the diabetes web site.

I entered my name, but it reported it couldn't find me.

Would you please send me the detailed steps  for  accessing the donation
portion to either an individual or to our team name of NFB? I'll pass it
onto others.


Thank you.



Best regards,

Robert Sellers




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