[NFBWATlk] Notes from January Bell Academy Volunteer Meeting

Kris Colcock kris at colcock.com
Sat Jan 20 23:14:19 UTC 2024

 Hello All,

The January meeting of the BELL Academy volunteers was small but
mighty. Here are some highlights from the gathering:
* Theme of the BELL Academy - "I Can Lead"
* Jared and Joy are working together to communicate with the Portland
TVI program to recruit adult volunteers. They will be working together
to identify other ways to recruit volunteers for the program.
* We still need a team to take on the in-kind donations for Academy needs
* Need a team to help coordinate recruitment for students
* Reminder that there is a 2 hour BELL Training happening at the NFBW
State Convention on Friday March 1 in the afternoon.

February's call will be on the 19th at 7pm.

Two action items for all:
1. Attached is the Save the Date flyers for both Oregon and Washington
affiliates. Please feel free to download the flyer and spread the
word. Put it out on mailing lists, church bulletin boards, share with
schools and youth organizations. Share with the local Lyon's clubs,
Elks, Eagles and any other rotary club you can think of.

2. Reassess your calendar, is there a better date or time to meet?

Don't be shy. If you know someone should be on this list and they
aren't, please forward the email and let me know.

Hope all are staying warm! Have a wonderful rest of the weekend!

Kris Colcock

On 1/12/24, Kris Colcock <kris at colcock.com> wrote:
> ** Please Share **
> Hello Everyone and welcome to 2024!
> So much is going on and it is time for us to gather and talk about
> Summer while we are sipping our hot drinks and trying to stay warm.
> Monday, January 15 at 7pm is our next meeting. Below is the invitation
> to join us on Zoom. Please feel free to pass this along to anyone who
> might be interested in learning about the BELL Academy.
> This meeting we will be identifying up to four Point People. These
> individuals will take on the responsibility of one particular task
> work with others to complete the task and bring the results back to
> the entire group. We need point people in each state to make things
> easy. Think subcommittees. Point People need the ability to work with
> others, meet deadlines and be organized enough to know where you are
> in the process. Information gathered and results will come back to
> Justin and myself to piece into the overall program. more info in the
> discussion topics.
>  If you are interested in being a Point Person but can't make this
> meeting please let Justin or myself know.
> Discussion Topics:
> * Filling out the volunteer form. I know, we promised it to you
> earlier. However, we now have it finalized and here is the link:
> https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/19RJPyEkeR5ORbJTChE3pALXqAd1tXN912VniU3Z5Mihjk2-hASU1Y_GWQ2wQB4ZTmXTnlpiA?usp=sharing
> * Announcing the theme of the BELL Academy
> * Announcing who we have confirmation for participation
> * Who would like to take charge of spreading the word about
> volunteering in Washington? Who would like to take it on in Oregon?
> * Who wants to be the lead person for co-ordinating donations in
> Washington? in Oregon?
> * Any other announcements?
> Have a great weekend, stay warm and talk on Monday evening!
> Topic: BELL Academy Meeting Room
> Time: Monday January 15, 2024 @ 7pm
> Join Zoom Meeting
> https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84013492503?pwd=M252SWJKK3orQk1qTHo1K0RGckNrQT09
> Meeting ID: 840 1349 2503
> Passcode: 232057
> ---
> One tap mobile
> +12532158782,,84013492503#,,,,*232057# US (Tacoma)
> +12532050468,,84013492503#,,,,*232057# US
> ---
> Meeting ID: 840 1349 2503
> Passcode: 232057
> Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kx4D0BbCl
> Kris Colcock
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