[NFBWATlk] Fwd: B/VI Registration Instructions for the Seattle 5k, 10k and Half Marathon

Jessie Lorenz jessie.lorenz at gmail.com
Fri Jun 16 03:22:41 UTC 2023

Hey friends, I am planning to run the half marathon in this race. There are lots of shorter races at this event too. United in stride will help with finding cited guides.
Will you join me?
Subject: B/VI Registration Instructions for the Seattle 5k, 10k and Half Marathon

Dear Blind and Visually Impaired Running Friends,

I’m thrilled to report that United in Stride will have a presence at the 2023 Seattle Marathon Summer 5k, 10k and Half Marathon. Please join us and invite a fellow blind or low vision friend to run as well. It’s only 2 months away so it’s time to get registered!

Date: Saturday, August 26, 2023

Time: 7AM

Location: Seward Park, 5900 Lake Washington Boulevard South, Seattle, WA, USA

Registration Link: https://raceroster.com/registration/63422/entry?team=542599

Team Name: United in Stride Blind Runners

B/VI 15% Discount Code: United2023

During the registration process, you will enter the above code when it asks if you have a promotion code. Please ensure that you are joining an existing team during the registration process. Then, enter United in Stride Blind Runners when prompted to select your team name.

Guide Registration Information:
Guides will be able to register for free. After you register, please introduce your guide to us so  we can email them the free promotion code. If you need help finding a guide, let me know asap so we can help.

The race organizers will be providing United in Stride with a tent and table for our group to meet up before and after the race so you have a chance to connect with others.

Please confirm when registered. If this is your first time taking part in a United in Stride event, please also provide me with your t-shirt size.

Happy Training,
Richard Hunter
rhunter988 at att.net

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