[nfbwatlk] New to NFB

Kristina Sawyckyj sawyckyjkristina at yahoo.com
Sun Nov 30 21:17:49 UTC 2014

My daughter and I are visually impaired. Mine was a result of a massive head injury on active duty in 1988. I have 7 living kiddos and my youngest, Sarahrose, was born with double and blurry vision since birth. She is 8 and goes to First Place Scholars charter school for homeless families in Seattle- Raineir Valley.  She is struggling to read and is at a kindergarten level. I am hooked up with. Ms. Janet with the services for the blind in Seattle. I am waiting for the school for the blind to figure out how to access her, as she is in washington's very first public charter school. She does see Dr. Hamilton at Swedish in 2 weeks for her first comprehensive vision exam.

Being partially sighted seems to make life harder as she tries so hard to be sighted but that is not working for her.  I am working with her to teach her to rely on her other senses but we are new to all of this.

I would love to connect with other WA parents and others. 


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