[nfbwatlk] FW: Mayor seeks candidates for Commission

Jacob Struiksma lawnmower84 at hotmail.com
Mon Mar 25 23:09:17 UTC 2013


SEATTLE - Seattle City Mayor Mike McGinn is seeking to fill current and
future vacancies on the Seattle Commission for People with disAbilities.
Commissioners advise the Mayor, City Council, and City Departments on issues
that affect individuals with disabilities.

Commissioners also encourage understanding between and among disability
communities and the larger Seattle community and advocate on behalf of
individuals with disabilities.  A key goal of the Commission is to improve
access to city resources and facilitate consumption of City services by
people with disabilities.

Participation in the Commission requires a minimum time commitment of 10-15
hours per month. This includes attendance at monthly meetings held the third
Thursday of each month in the late afternoon, participation in committee
work, meeting with city departments, lobbying the state legislature, and
reaching out to the public.

The Commission reflects the diversity of Seattle's disability community and
is committed to being a model of inclusion.  To meet that goal, we strive to
use the principals of universal design to inform our policies, and

Commissioners are appointed to two-year terms and all appointments are
subject to confirmation by the Seattle City Council. The Commission is
particularly interested in applicants with backgrounds in disability rights
and experience advocating for individuals with a wide range of disabilities.
Commissioners serve without compensation.  To be considered, submit a letter
of interest and resume to
felicia.yearwood at seattle.gov<mailto:felicia.yearwood at seattle.gov> or fax to
(206) 684-0332 by April 29, 2013.

Or mail to:    Seattle Commission for People with disAbilities
810 Third Avenue, Suite 750
Seattle, WA  98104-1627

This document is available in alternative formats.
Call (206) 684-4537 or (206) 684-4503 TTY.

Felicia Yearwood

Seattle Commission for People with
Seattle Human Rights Commission<http://www.seattle.gov/humanrights/>
810 Third Avenue, Suite 750
Seattle, WA  98104-1627
(206) 684-4537
felicia.yearwood at seattle.gov<mailto:felicia.yearwood at seattle.gov>

"I am not interested in picking up crumbs of compassion thrown from the
table of someone who considers himself my master.  I want the full menu of
rights."  Bishop Desmond Tutu

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