[gui-talk] Clisk, the Command Line Interface for Skype

Doug Lee dgl at dlee.org
Mon Mar 8 08:31:33 UTC 2010

This has been out there for a while, but I haven't really announced it
here I don't think.  Anyone who doesn't like command lines can
probably safely skip this message.  Anybody like me, though, who uses
them often, read on.

I have been developing, and occasionally posting updates on my web
site for, a utility I call Clisk, which stands for the Command Line
Interface for Skype.  I just released version 2.1.0, which is capable
of most Skype tasks, including listing and maintaining your contact
list, sending and receiving chat lines (though the UI is probably
better for that most of the time), handling contact detail requests,
making and managing calls and conferences, and handling voicemails.
Details, an online manual, and a download link can be found at

For new users, I recommend the online manual, and once you get Clisk
running, the "help" or "?" command.  The release notes for the various
Clisk releases will probably be confusing if read first.

Doug Lee                 dgl at dlee.org                http://www.dlee.org
SSB BART Group           doug.lee at ssbbartgroup.com   http://www.ssbbartgroup.com
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what he wants done, and self-restraint enough to keep from meddling with
them while they do it."--Theodore Roosevelt

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