[gui-talk] Fwd: update to the Window-Eyes MS Word script (release 1.50)

Steve Pattison srp at internode.on.net
Sun Feb 7 11:30:13 UTC 2010

 From:    Chip Orange lists3717 at comcast.net
 To:      gw-info at gwmicro.com

Hi all,

I've updated the MS Word script to version 1.50.  This script is useful in
addition to the WordNav script from GW, they can be used together, neither
is a replacement for the other.

The MS Word script does several different things to enhance your use of MS

* the newly added ability is to speak row or column titles, in a Word table,
just as we does in a web browser.  the options of how they are spoken are in
fact controlled by the unused browse mode verbosity tables settings, in the
Word set file.  You can use the Word tables header option to indicate a
header row, or you can add specially named bookmarks to a row or a column to
indicate that it is the header row or column.  These bookmarks are treated
just as the Word table row header option is, as an attribute.  The other
choice is to force the top row or left column to be considered a header row
or column.  The script allows for multiple consecutive rows or columns to be
considered the headers to be spoken.  
(The bookmarks with special names have been an accessibility proposed
"standard" for many years, and you may find them in existing legacy Word

* it reads out changing paragraph formatting options as you navigate around
the document.  these are items such as the outline level or the line spacing

* it corrects for a couple of WE bugs: one where it doesn't read to the left
or the right of the cursor to the start or end of the line properly, and the
other where it doesn't say the correct value when selecting a block of text,
and then changing it's font size by increasing it or decreasing it in

* and finally it enables the display of comments if a document contains


Chip Orange

Regards Steve
Email:  srp at internode.on.net
MSN Messenger:  internetuser383 at hotmail.com
Skype:  steve1963
Twitter:  steve9782

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