[gui-talk] Information about the Web Client Script for Window-Eyes

Steve Pattison srp at internode.on.net
Sat Feb 6 11:19:10 UTC 2010

Hi all,

Currently there is no description for the Web Client script for
Window-eyes available on Script Central at www.gwmicro.com/sc.  I've
included the documentation for this script below for anyone who might be
wondering what this script does.  I hope this helps.  -Steve.

Press Control+Windows-W for a list of web client utilities.  These are
handy ways of getting useful information from free web 2.0 services. 
The following 20 utilities are installed (for efficient navigation, each
has a unique initial character):

EnglishDictionary Lookup - Get definitions and other informationabout a

508 Check - Check a web page for compliance with accessibility
standards of the United States Government (Section 508 of the
Rehabilitation Act), as well as standards of the World Wide Web
Consortium (W3C).

Address Lookup - Search for addresses of organizations
meeting geographic and other criteria.

Business Reviews - Search for reviews of a business by
inputting its phone number.

Common URLs - Show a list of the 100 most commonly referenced URLs on
Twitter at the time.  These typically point to news stories that people have
been retweeting.

Driving Directions - Input a starting and ending location, and get a list of
steps to get there by car (a blind person might share this with a friend
or cab driver).  The location may be specified as a street address in
any country.

 Feed Find - Get a list of RSS and ATOM feeds made available by a
web site.

Google Search and Set Suggestions - Propose a Google search
and get a list of popular searches that are similar.  Also Get a list of
terms that may be part of the same set.

Interesting Places - Get a list of nearby places to eat, shop, or
visit based on a location.

Members of Congress - Get a list of House and Senate members for a zip
code, with various data about them including committee assignments and
contact information, including Twitter screen name if available.

Neighborhood Search - Search for places near a location, e.g., restaurants
with a particular cuisine near an address you are visiting (anywhere in the

Original URL - Get the original version of a URL that was shortened
for sharing in a tweet.

Quotes of the Day - Get a humorous quote and several motivational quotes
each day.

Recommended URLs - Get a list of currently popular URLs that people are
saving as bookmarks.

Short URL - Get a shortened version of a URL so you can share it in a
tweet and have more text to type within the 140 character limit.

Trend Topics - Get a list of topics that are currently popular on Twitter.

Virtual White Pages - Search for residential listings in U.S. phone books.

Weather Check - Get a summary of current and forecasted conditions for any

Extra Word Info - Get definitions of a word and examples of its use.

Yahoo! Term Extractions - Get noteworthy noun phrases contained in a web page.

Zoom Info - Search for employment contacts by name or email address.

Each utility is defined in a script file written in the Python language.  The
file name begins with the WebClient_ prefix and ends with the .py extension,
e.g., WebClient_508Check.py

The Python script file is run with a custom Python interpreter, InPy.exe, which
is distributed with Homer Shared Object.  A Console mode version, InPyC.exe,
is also distributed to aid development of Python scripts.  If run without parameters,
it opens an interactive shell for testing commands and running scripts, similar to
the full python.exe interpreter. The source code file, InPy.py, imports various
web2.0 libraries, and defines many convenience functions.

Web client utilities may be added to the list of available ones by using the
same naming convention, e.g., WebClient_MyNewScript.py

The Window-Eyes Web Client script remembers the last utility you
chose, making it the default in the list.  The information obtained by
the utility is automatically saved in a text file and opened in your
text editor (the program associated with .txt files in the Windows
registry).  Some utilities also open a web page automatically in your
default browser.  You can use the Help button of the Web Client dialog
to review this documentation.

This global script requires GW Toolkit and Homer Shared Object.

Regards Steve
Email:  srp at internode.on.net
MSN Messenger:  internetuser383 at hotmail.com
Skype:  steve1963
Twitter:  steve9782

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