[gui-talk] JustWare / New Dawn Technologies

Susan Kelly Susan.Kelly at pima.gov
Tue Dec 14 16:22:41 UTC 2010

I am a public defender in southern Arizona.  Our office, along with the
legal defender office, will be going to an integrated case management
system (it will essentially be the operating system for our network,
including word processing and e-mail) nest year which is called
JustWare.  My supervisor just found out yesterday that neither our
parent offices nor the manufacturer (New Dawn Technologies) has made any
type of test or inquiry to determine if this product is compatible with
any type of accessibility device, nor will they hold off on
implementation until this is done.  I am currently using WinZoom
magnifier / narrator, while a co-worker who is paralyzed uses Dragon.


Does anyone have any experience with either this program or its
manufacturer?  The only option I have been given, should this prove
incompatible with my accessibility program, is a human reader - which,
in my opinion, is NOT and adequate solution.  I would prefer to learn a
new accessibility tool before that.


Any suggestions / tips would be much appreciated.  The anticipated
implementation date is April / May 2011.

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