[gui-talk] Yesterday's announcement from the RFB&D

James Pepper b75205 at gmail.com
Mon May 4 13:14:25 UTC 2009

Well actually in any individual set of daisy files you can have the exact
same name for a file name in any given folder, so if you combine two daisy
files into one you run the risk of overwriting the files.  This applies to
any Daisy format.  If a file is split into two files, there is a good reason
for it being split up so don't try to fix it by mixing the two files.

With PDF format you get the advantage of interactive formats and you can
control all of the information placed into a document. Also the contetn can
just be sent as one file and not as a folder.  In Daisy format it is a hit
or miss situation where content can be excluded if it was not properly
formatted before the conversion to Daisy.

Unfortunately most people do not know how to make a PDF file accessible. I
am trying to remedy the knowledge base of PDF conversion.
James Pepper

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