[gui-talk] stupid JAWS tricks

Hoffman, Allen Allen.Hoffman at dhs.gov
Fri May 1 17:23:29 UTC 2009

Clear Day
If a user sets Outlook to use Word as the editor, and they use Smart
Tags, often times a title is set to stupid phrases as :"draft v", "clear
day", or other strangeness.

when the email is opened in Outlook, for some reason, JAWS reads that
stuff at the start of the email, for example the first line of this

My point is, why does JAWS read that, and for God's sake why must
Outlook include such information?
What would I do with it?
What would an email client do wit it?

I expect if I screw around with JAWS verbosity configuration settings I
can make this stop, but my opinion of setting custom settings for
regular daily work is not a high one.

Anyway, if any of the rest of you wondered what the heck some of those
stupid phrases were in the start of your emails, and where they were
coming from, that's it, now we know--not much good though, is it?

Sigh, glad that mystery is solved.
Back on my head.

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