[gui-talk] Fwd: WE4Java 0.9.11 for Window-Eyes now available on script central

Steve Pattison srp at internode.on.net
Thu Feb 12 02:13:20 UTC 2009

From: Macarty, Jay {PBSG}
To: gw-scripting at gwmicro.com


The latest release of WE4Java, 0.9.11, is now available on Script Central. 


NOTE: Currently, you have to download and install this from the Script Central website. Jamal's Package Installer is throwing an error saying the package failed validation. This is likely because it isn't expecting an exe file. 


Along with the fix for the menu reading in java 6, this release includes a fix for punctuation being read when using left or right arrow keys to move among controls. 


The other major update to this release is the auto-detect of versions for your java environments. Since a person can have multiple java environments installed on their machine and thus, WE4java (or any other java solution) must be installed in multiple locations to match, WE4Java now checks your WE4java java code version against the version of the last installed package and lets you know if you need to update. When you start a java application and your WE4Java jar file is older than the WE4Java.xml file says it should be, you get a popup dialog asking if you wish to execute the Java installer to update your environment. If you select the Run Installer button, the updates are applied (you don't have to try to figure out where the java directory is that needs updating). You can then close your java application and restart it to pick up the changes. 


Of course, for this release, you shouldn't see this popup since the check wasn't in the earlier versions and if you re-install for 0.9.11, your updates will be current. But, moving forward, this should provide a gentle reminder about updating and an easy way to apply those. 


NOTE: This auto-detect of the version is not the same as detecting that a newer script is out on script central. This is simply a check between the last WE4Java script you installed and the java environment your application is using. I'll put in the Script central checking later.


Regards Steve
Email:  srp at internode.on.net
Windows Live Messenger:  internetuser383 at hotmail.com
Skype:  steve1963

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