[Colorado-Talk] Mountain Time at 5

kevan at nfbco.org kevan at nfbco.org
Thu May 7 18:40:47 UTC 2020

Hi everybody,


I am very excited about our Mountain Time at 5 NFBCO Zoom sessions planned
for this evening and tomorrow evening. Julie Deden, CCB Executive Director,
will lead a discussion of the implications of the pandemic on the lives of
people who are blind and low vision. She has put together a great panel from
our CCB and we will be very interested in your thoughts, opinions,
approaches, and solutions. Are there things that have been difficult for you
as a blind person as a direct result of the pandemic? How have you continued
to live the life you want or at least the life you want given the current
restrictive environment? How are we handling physical distancing out in
public? Let's talk tonight at 5. 


Tomorrow evening we will get to hear about audible traffic signals from two
of our long-time leader experts. Scott LaBarre, NFBCO President, and Curtis
Chong, who has worn more important and impressive hats than almost anyone I
know in the movement, will be sharing their perspective and wisdom. Join the
conversation and tell all of our members and non-members alike about the
one! The only! Mountain-Time-at-5!!



Meeting ID: 595 506 6474 

Password: 015571 

One tap mobile 



At Your Service,

Kevan Worley

Manager, Project Literacy


 <http://www.nfbco.org/> www.nfbco.org 


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