[Colorado-talk] May NFB Boulder Valley Chapter meeting and city planning

maryannmigs at gmail.com maryannmigs at gmail.com
Fri May 11 15:48:39 UTC 2018

Greetings NFB family and friends,

You are cordially invited to attend the National Federation of the Blind
Boulder Valley Chapter meeting May 12, 2018 at 10 AM., at First Presbyterian
Church 1825 15 Street on the second floor of the Geneva wing.  

This month we are privileged to dialogue with Melanie Sloan, Transportation
Planner for the city of Boulder.  She passed along this link to some of her
presentation materials. 

rado.gov> . 

There are several other projects and accessibility considerations to discuss
with her.


Additional agenda items include:

Presidential Release

Secretary's report

Treasurer's report

Meeting relocation plans

Fundraising update

Community outreach



We look forward to seeing you at a meeting full of plans for the future and
great conversation.


Warm regards,


Maryann Migliorelli, President

National Federation of the Blind Boulder Valley Chapter

maryannmigs at gmail.com




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