[Colorado-talk] Day at the Capitol, a Family Tradition

Dan Burke burke.dall at gmail.com
Mon Feb 12 01:44:06 UTC 2018

Cash! In case you didn't read all the way through Kevan's e-mail, he
announced a $100 door prize a the start of our briefing at 11 a.m. on
the NFB of Colorado's Valentine's Day at the Capitol!

We'll have buttons with a heart on them and the words Preserve Our
Families and HB1104. It's attached. Thanks to my niece for the design
and to Mike Thompson for the digital rendering.

This is our chance to talk in person to our legilsators about who we
are and we parent as blind people. The first hearing will follow the
following week on Feb. 20.

Hope to see everyone there on Valentine's Day! With love, hope and

On 2/7/18, Kevan Worley via Colorado-Talk <colorado-talk at nfbnet.org> wrote:
> Greetings Federation family,
> This coming Wednesday, February 14, members of our National Federation of
> the Blind family will be delivering love to the members of our General
> Assembly. We need you!
> National Convention, State Convention, Washington Seminar, Day at the
> Capitol. Four of the important events we in the Federation family look
> forward to every year. We get together and do the hard work of the
> Federation. We enjoy the energy, spirit, camaraderie, and effort that define
> our movement. This year our unity of purpose will focus on a challenge of
> universal importance, to preserve the family! The family is the bedrock of
> our society. People who are blind ought to have the same right to raise
> their children on terms of equality. The law should never allow blindness
> and disability to determine whether or not we are able to raise our children
> in peace and love with all of the tradition our families embrace. And yet,
> we know that there have been many times in recent years in which blind
> parents have been questioned by Social Services, judges in custody battles,
> teachers, and others about our ability to raise our children with competence
> and love.
> http://abcnews.go.com/Health/missouri-takes-baby-blind-parents/story?id=11263491
> https://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=4225888
> https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2012/11/26/disabled-parents-custody-adoption/1726465/
> Dan Burke is our Legislative Chairperson. Here are some details provided by
> Dan about our activity during Day at the Capitol this coming Wednesday;
> That's right!  This year as we push for a bill to protect the parental
> rights of Coloradans who have disabilities - including blind parents - we'll
> deliver 100 Valentines from blind parents to every Colorado member of the
> Legislature!
> Rep. Jessie Danielson, who ably chaired the Interim Study Committee to
> create a distinct entity in DVR to serve blind Coloradans, has agreed to
> carry the bill, HB18-1104. The Family Preservation for Parents with
> Disabilities Act has been introduced and is slated for a hearing as early as
> February 20th.
> We'll gather at 11 a.m. in our traditional location, the Old Supreme Court
> Chambers, Room 220 on the Second Floor of the Capitol.  From there, we'll
> fan out to the offices of each member to deliver our message of dignity,
> equality under the law, and the capacity of blind parents to love, nurture
> and protect our children!
> We'll also be talking about our NFB Newsline funding and any other matters
> that may come up in the Legislature.
> What Dan did not announce is that we will have a drawing for a $100 bill at
> 11:00 a.m. to kick of the legislative briefing. So, be there on time and you
> might win money to take your sweetheart to dinner.
> Please, please spread the word about this event. Bring a guest with you,
> blind or sighted. If they care about family preservation ask them to join us
> for one of our traditions, a Day at the Capitol. Please let Dan know if you
> have existing relationships with members of the General Assembly. This year,
> working together, we intend to pass HB18-1104, the Family Preservation for
> Parents with Disabilities Act. We can't do it without you.
> By the way, parents and grandparents, feel free to bring along pictures of
> your children, family pictures, keepsakes, etc. Don't bring an entire
> portfolio. Are you a blind parent who has a picture of your daughter or son
> being inducted into the military? Do you have the cutest baby picture ever
> of your children or grandchildren? Do you have a gold medal, report card, or
> a valentine you may have received from your child? Bring it with you. Also,
> be ready to share your stories. Nothing is more compelling to members of the
> General Assembly than our personal stories.
> Man, I heart you guys! See you Wednesday.
> At Your Service,
> [cid:image001.png at 01CDBC37.7997B120]
> [2010LogoFinal (2)]
> Office: 1-866-543-6808
> Cell: (303)929-2369
> Fax: (719)527-0129
> www.worleyenterprises.com<http://www.worleyenterprises.com/>

Dan Burke
President, NFB of Denver

"Blindness is not what holds you back.  You can live the life you want!"
My Cell:  406.546.8546
Twitter:  @DallDonal
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