[Colorado-talk] Two job events.

Melissa R. Green graduate56 at juno.com
Sat Apr 1 07:07:16 UTC 2017

 The united way of Weld county  is holding a children's festival.  This is where various schools, childcare, headstart, and many agencies disill be looking for employees, and to have fun with family.  this is held  Island grove event center in greeley.  I know that many people may be looking for jobs.  And maay be we could also locate some blind children and their parents.  
Next, Unc is doing a job fair for all students and Allumni.
The web site is; 
Go there for more information 
Both places will be hiring for summer and all year round.  Good luck to all even if you just want see what is ou! there.  You have nothing to lose and a lot to gain.

Melissa R. Green
Montessori Academy Of Northern Colorado 

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