[Colorado-talk] Bustang

Gary Van Dorn garyvdrn at msn.com
Sat Jan 31 19:07:13 UTC 2015

The bus service between Denver-Fort Collins, Denver-Colorado Springs, and Denver-Glenwood Springs is coming!!!!!  The CDOT homepage contains maps, schedules and fairs of the Bustang <https://www.codot.gov/travel/bustang> Service.  It is unfortunate CDOT does not provide a starting date as of the sending of this E-mail.  

I encourage everyone to view the above link to ensure it is accessible.    

CDOT states they plan to have an iPhone and Android App available so one may check on schedules and obtain tickets; I know the app for the iPhone is unavailable as of this E-mail in the App Store.  I do not know if the above link and these apps are accessible.  It is my plan to contact CDOT to ensure these Apps are accessible.  Otherwise they will hear from the National Federation of the Blind of Colorado!!!  Please let me know, with specifics, if you find any element of the page is not accessible.  

Gary Van Dorn
President, Mile High NFBCO
Board Member, NFBCO
Treasurer, NFBCO Sports & Recreation Division

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