[Colorado-talk] Requests for Accommodations Based on Disability:, for the 2014 National Convention

Everett Gavel everett at everettgavel.com
Thu May 1 14:16:18 UTC 2014

Just passing along a note from the latest Braille 
Monitor, Monitor Miniatures section:

"Requests for Accommodations Based on Disability:
     The convention of the National Federation of 
the Blind is designed to
be accessible especially to blind people in that 
materials are offered in
accessible formats and other nonvisual aids are 
provided. Therefore special
requests for these items are not required. If you 
require specific
accommodations based on your disability other than 
the blindness-related
accommodations mentioned above in order to 
participate fully and equally in
the convention, we urge you to let us know as soon 
as possible. Specific
accommodations for which requests are required 
include requests for deaf or
deaf-blind interpreters.
     Due to the size and complexity of this 
convention, as well as the need
to plan for additional human and other resources 
appropriately, requests
for specific accommodations must be submitted no 
later than May 31, 2014.
  In order to make a request, 1) preregister for 
the convention by
visiting <http://www.nfb.org/registration; and 2) 
send your specific
request for accommodations in writing to the NFB 
Jernigan Institute using
email at <jerniganinstitute at nfb.orgwith the 
subject "convention request
for specific accommodations." Please include your 
name, the dates you plan
to be at the convention, information on the best 
way to follow up with you,
and your specific request."

Strive On!

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