[Colorado-talk] last minute open free spots Cherry Creek Sneak Updates for race on April 29th Visually Impaired separate start for 5K

Maryann Migliorelli maryannmigs at gmail.com
Sat Apr 28 00:22:33 UTC 2012



From: Deborah Conley [mailto:deborahconley19 at gmail.com] 
Sent: Friday, April 27, 2012 6:14 PM
To: Alexandra Bradstreet; Amelia Dickerson; Amy Downing; Amy Johnson; Andrew
Trunfio; Annette Kissinger; Brian Collins; Caitlin Davis; Christine
Lansford; Colby Harmon; Dave Baczkalo; David Hagburg; Deborah Conley; Dr.
Mary Atwell; Eddie Thieszan-Culp; Eric Miller; Eric Miller; Erik
Weihenmayer; Esha Mehta; Esubalew Ethan Johnston; Everett Romero; Garrett
Rush-Miller; Gerry Leary; Heather Rayburn; Katie Rubin; Kelly Mitchell;
Kerry Kuck; Lorie Roch; Maddie Stallman; Marry Rittgers; Mary Sayegh;
Melanie Tem; Michael Stone; Michelle Chacon; Pat Downing; Penn Street;
Stephanie Murphy; Steve Hibbard; Steven Mollen; Terry Garrett; Theresa
Montano; Tricia Cavallaro; Vicki Postas Byrne
Cc: mrsmigs at migliorelli.org
Subject: Cherry Creek Sneak Updates for race on April 29th Visually Impaired
separate start for 5K


Hi Everyone,


Newly Added: Emily Romero - Blind Athlete age 16, Jim Laundry, Guide, Katie
Rubin - Guide 


If you live in Denver, I will be distributing packets at 5:15 PM Saturday at
the Panera Bread Restaurant, 600 S Colorado Blvd, Denver,
<tel:%28303%29%20656-4800> (303) 656-4800. It is close to many of the hotels
in which athletes and guides are staying. It would be a great opportunity to
get to meet each other if you have not met before. 


Please note for Boulder National Federation Blind Members: We have 2 paid
registration fees that are no longer being used. If you would like to
participate either by walking or running, please contact Deb Conley
immediately at deborahconley19 at gmail.com or be phone (303) 696-9850. We have
provided transportation for the Boulder participants


Please note guide changes: Stephanie Murphy (now guiding Emily Romero), Tyer
Roch (now guiding Kelly), Dave Bczkalo (now guiding Amelia): This was due to
injuries and additions and subtractions from the VI field.


The email includes listed names of blind athletes and guides and race
information. This will be duplicate information to some reading. If you have
any questions, please contact me  <tel:303.696.9850> 303.696.9850.


Blind Athletes: * = under age 17

1.  Amelia Dickerson (due to recent injury will be walking instead of

2.  Amy Johnson 

3.  Andre Van Hall (not confirmed)

4.  Brian Collins

5.  Emily Romero *

6.  Esha Meta

7.  Esubalew Johnston

8.  Garrett Rush-Miller *

9.  Gerry Leary

10.    Heather Rayburn

11.    Jalena Rubin *

12.    Kelly Mitchell

13.    Kerry Kuck

14.    Maddie Stallman *

15.    Mary Sayegh

16.    Melanie Tem

17.    Michael Stone (running 10 miler)

18.    Paula Kissinger *

19.    Penn Street

20.    Terry Garret

21.    Tricia Cavallaro

22.    Theresa Montano

23.    Elizabeth Romero * 



1.  Nancy Breit - Guide for Esbalew

2.  Deb Conley - Guide for Open

3.  Mary Rittgers - Guide for Brian

4.  Lorie Roch - Guide for Paula

5.  Stephanie Murphy - Guide for Emily 

6.  Caitlin Davis - Guide for Esha

7.  Tyger Roch - Guide for Kelly

8.  Josh Rubin - Guide for Jalena

9.  Steve Hibbard  - Guide for Theresa

10.Sam Cavallaro - Guide for Tricia

11.    Paula Landry - Guide for Maddie

12.    Jim Landry - Guide for Maddie

13.    David Hagburg - Guide for Kerry

14.    Eric Miller - Guide for Garrett

15.    Brian Rayburn - Guide for Open or Heather

16.    Everett Romero - Guide for Elizabeth

17.    Dave Baczalo - Guide for Amelia 

18.    Coly Harmon - Guide for Melanie

19.    Vicki Postas Byrne - Guide for Gerry

20.    Annette Kissinger - Guide for Paula


I have cleared a meeting place for everyone to meet at the Starbucks in
Safeway before the race. This Safeway is in the Cherry Creek Shopping Mall.
The address is 3100 East First Ave, Denver, CO 80206. The store opens at
6:00am. I expect everyone to should be there no later than 7:15am. If I
haven't got your packet to you before the race, you will need to pick up
your packets race morning. Packet pick up starts at
7:00am. (Let me know if you want to pick up your own packet prior to race

We will be starting before the 8:00 am start. We will have a three minute
separate start ahead of the rest of the field. So be warmed up and at he
start area by 7:40am.

For more information on the race, please go to the below website.

All visually impaired adult athletes receive a discounted rate of $30.00 for
registration fees children under 17 are $20.00 for registration. We
currently have 6 under 17 year old blind athletes registered.

Last year was the first time the race had a separate start for the VI
athletes. I think we may have the largest visually impaired field
participating in a USA road race.


 <http://www.cherrycreeksneak.com/> http://www.cherrycreeksneak.com


Best Wishes,


Deb Conley


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