[CCCNFBW] Fwd: Seeking assistance for participant recruitment…PhD dissertation research study…

Marci Carpenter Mjc59 at comcast.net
Wed Dec 29 21:27:30 UTC 2021

Our NFB national research council has reviewed and approved this research project for recruitment.


Begin forwarded message:

> From: heidi ancar <hlancar at hotmail.com>
> Date: December 28, 2021 at 7:37:42 PM PST
> To: MJC59 at comcast.net
> Subject: Seeking assistance for participant recruitment…PhD dissertation research study…
> Hello Ms. Carpenter,
> My name is Heidi Riley-ancar. I am a visually impaired postgraduate student residing in Lawrenceville (GA) who is a PhD candidate currently enrolled in the Organizational Development & leadership/Organizational Diversity online program at the University of Arizona Global Campus. This email is sent to introduce myself to you and give a brief explanation of why I am contacting you.
> As I mentioned in the introduction of this email, I am currently working on my PhD dissertation and am entering the research study stage of the process. I have received Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval from my university and would like your assistance for participant recruitment. I will be conducting research to explore how online college students with visual impairment perceive accessibility challenges and how those challenges influence successful degree completion for this student population. The option of distance education and online learning provides individuals with visual impairment the opportunity to pursue higher education through the utilization of the virtual classroom platform. With this delivery method of providing students the opportunity of pursuing and possibly completing their academic studies, the online/distance learning environment needs to be completely accessible to these students in order for them to be successful in their journey of degree completion.
> If you can be of any assistance for providing access to participants who fit the following criteria listed below, I would be greatly appreciative of your help and cooperation.
> To be eligible for participation in this study, potential participants must be:
>   An undergraduate/graduate college student enrolled in at least one (1) online course at a 2- or 4-year college/university.
> Have a visual impairment that impacts the student’s ability to access course materials/resources.
> Have experience with online learning that is not fully accessible to the student because of his or her visual impairment.
> At least 18 years or older.
> I Have requested and has been granted organizational permission from Ms. Lou Ann Blake (NFB Director of Research, Blind Initiatives) to solicit the assistance for participant recruitment within the organization. I am asking (if permitted) that a copy of the Letter of invitation to the Study be posted to your organization’s newsletter/social media pages to advertise my study for volunteers to contact me if they choose to participate and help with the data collection element of the dissertation. Attached is a copy of the IRB approval letter from UAGC, the Organizational Permission form from the NFB, and the Invitation to the Study Letter that can be posted as a notice of advertisement for my study. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns you may have. Sincerely! ~Heidi Riley-Ancar
> Contact information is:
> Name: Heidi Riley-Ancar
> Email” hlancar at hotmail.com
> Phone: (678) 226-9937
> Dissertation Chair: Dr. Susan Gunther
> Dissertation Chair Phone: (347) 309-5122
> Dissertation Chair Email: susan.gunther at faculty.uagc.edu
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