[CCCNFBW] Westside Bike Mobility Project

Matthew Hines matthewhines984 at gmail.com
Fri Mar 22 04:55:04 UTC 2019

I have requested further information from city long range planning office.



From: CCCNFBW <cccnfbw-bounces at nfbnet.org> On Behalf Of Merribeth Greenberg via CCCNFBW
Sent: Sunday, March 17, 2019 11:31 AM
To: CCCNFBW <cccnfbw at nfbnet.org>
Cc: Merribeth Greenberg <merribeth.manning at gmail.com>
Subject: [CCCNFBW] Westside Bike Mobility Project


When I read the minutes from last meeting, I noticed this was listed but has some incorrect info.  So I thought I would Include some info from the website, the link for the website.


I voiced my options especially on the part of Kauffman and Columbia routes because of the bus access and how it would be restricted. I live at 32nd and Harney, so this effects my neighborhood. 


The proposed north-south bikeway network includes Columbia Street, Daniels Street, and Lincoln/Kauffman Avenues, with protected bike lanes on busier Columbia and Lincoln/Kauffman corridors and a neighborhood greenway on Daniels. Providing safe bike facilities on these corridors involves tradeoffs—such as removing on-street parking on Columbia and Kauffman and reducing vehicle travel speeds—in order to increase safety for people of all ages and abilities, regardless of how they choose to get around. Implementation of the network is proposed to occur over several years, as funding becomes available.

In addition to safer bike facilities, the project also includes pedestrian improvements that will make it safer for people walking as well as people biking. Pedestrian improvements can include new crosswalks, traffic calming, spot sidewalk improvements, upgraded ADA ramps, enhanced lighting, and new street trees. These complete street improvements are intended to make Columbia safer for everyone who travels on the roadway.

Proposed Implementation Timeline

As part of a planned repaving project in summer 2019, the City proposes to construct protected bike lanes on both sides of Columbia Street for the section between Mill Plain and Fourth Plain, which would require removing on-street parking on both sides of Columbia. The protected bike lanes on Columbia would include a physical barrier, such as a stationary separator like a post or bollard, so people biking and people driving no longer have to share the road. The project would also include pedestrian improvements such as curb ramp upgrades, improved crosswalks, enhanced traffic calming, and priority at traffic signals.

The other segments of Columbia between Fourth Plain and 45th Street and between 6th Street and Mill Plain will be implemented in phases over the next few years as part of the City’s Pavement Management Program. Below is an outline of proposed phasing for the Columbia Street improvements:

*	2019: Columbia Street, Mill Plain to Fourth Plain
*	2020: Columbia Street, Fourth Plain to 33rd Street
*	2021: Columbia Street, 33rd Street to 45th Street and 6th Street to Mill Plain

There is currently no funding to construct the other routes included in the proposed north-south westside bikeway network, including the separated bike facility on Lincoln/Kauffman and the proposed neighborhood greenway on Daniels. These segments of the network would be implemented over time with funding from repaving projects and through future grant opportunities. Once funding sources are identified for the Lincoln/Kauffman and Daniels bike routes, the City will conduct additional analysis and public outreach in order to refine the design concept prior to implementation.

Project Background

The Westside Bike Mobility Project implements several existing City policies and plans. The  <https://www.cityofvancouver.us/ced/page/westside-mobility-strategy> Westside Mobility Strategy provides specific recommendations for further study as part of the Westside Bike Mobility Project. The City’s  <https://www.cityofvancouver.us/ced/page/complete-streets> Complete Streets Policy is intended to provide a safe, accessible transportation system that serves people of all ages and abilities, regardless of how they choose to get around. The project also responds to the City’s  <https://www.cityofvancouver.us/citycouncil/page/strategic-plan> 2016-2021 Strategic Plan goal of developing a safe, balanced, and innovative transportation system and specifically upgrading key bike and pedestrian corridors including Columbia Street.

For more information on the project, read about the  <https://www.cityofvancouver.us/ced/page/project-phases-and-documents> Project Phases and Documents,  <https://www.cityofvancouver.us/ced/page/ways-get-involved-0> Ways to Get Involved, and  <https://www.cityofvancouver.us/ced/page/frequently-asked-questions-1> Frequently Asked Questions. You can submit comments into the project record at any time through the  <https://www.cityofvancouver.us/ced/webform/comments-westside-bike-mobility-project> online comment form. All comments received regarding the project are shared with City Council as part of the public outreach summaries, which are continually updated.


Anna Dearman, Senior Transportation Planner
 <mailto:anna.dearman at cityofvancouver.us> anna.dearman at cityofvancouver.us



Beth Greenberg

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