[Cccnfbw] Legislative contact sheet

Matthew Hines matthew.hines at comcast.net
Tue Jan 31 02:33:11 UTC 2017

Good evening everyone, below is a legislative contact sheet for each congress man and woman as well as both senators in the state of Washington that we will be meeting with during Washington seminar. I have taken great time and care to include contact information, the issues we want them to support as well as links at the bottom of the email to each issue if anyone has more specific questions before they contact. Most importantly, please pass this along to any individual who you think would want to help push the agenda while we are meeting with these representatives. It is best to contact each individual on the day that we will be meeting with them.  By phone by Twitter or Facebook is recommended.  Please let me know if you have any questions and read on for the contents


Tuesday 1/31

Senator Maria Cantwell
Contact: 202-224-3441, on twitter @senatorcantwell or on facebook
Ask to support: the Marrakesh Treaty, AIM-HE (Accessible instructional materials in higher education), The accessible technology affordability act and the national Library service refreshable braille display appropriation.

Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal
Contact: 202-225-3106, on twitter @pramilajayapal or on facebook
Ask to Support: AIM-HE (Accessible Instructional Materials in Higher Education), NLS refreshable Braille Display Appropriation and the accessible technology affordability act.

Congresswoman Jamie Herrera Beutler
Contact:  202-225-3536,  On twitter @herrerabeutler or on facebook
Ask to Support: AIM-HE (Accessible Instructional Materials in Higher Education), NLS Refreshable Braille Display Appropriation and the Accessible Technology Affordability act

Wednesday 2/1

Congressman Dan Newhouse
Contact: 202-225-5816, on twitter @repnewhouse or on facebook.
Ask to support: AIM-HE (Accessible Instructional Materials in Higher Education), National Library service Refreshable Braille Display Appropriation and the Accessible Technology Affordability act

Congressman Denny Heck
Contact: 202-225-9740, on twitter @repdennyheck or on facebook
Ask to support: AIM-HE (Accessible Instructional Materials in Higher Education), National Library service Refreshable Braille Display Appropriation and the Accessible Technology affordability act
Congressman Rick Larsen
Contact: 202-225-2605, on twitter @larsenrick or on facebook
Ask to support: AIM-HE (Accessible Instructional Materials in Higher Education), National Library service Refreshable Braille Display Appropriation and the Accessible Technology Affordability act

Congresswoman Suzan DelBene
contact: 202-225-6311, on twitter @repdelbene or on facebook
Ask to Support: AIM-HE (Accessible Instructional Materials in Higher Education), National Library service Refreshable Braille Display Appropriation and the Accessible Technology Affordability act

Thursday -2/2

Senator Patty Murray
Contact:  202-224-2621, on twitter @pattymurray or on facebook
Ask to Support: The Marrakesh Treaty, AIM-HE (Accessible Instructional Materials in Higher Education), National Library service Refreshable Braille Display Appropriation and the Accessible Technology affordability act

Congressman Derek Kilmer
Contact: 202-225-5916, on twitter @repderekkilmer or on facebook
Ask to support: AIM-HE (Accessible Instructional Materials in Higher Education), National Library service Refreshable Braille Display Appropriation and the Accessible Technology Affordability act

Read up about the issues:

Accessible instructional materials in higher education (Aim-HE) https://nfb.org/aimheafactsheet

Accessible technology affordability act : https://nfb.org/access-technology-affordability-act

National Library service refreshable braille display appropriation: https://nfb.org/appropriation-national-library-service-blind-and-physically-handicapped-nls-purchase-refreshable

Marrakesh Treaty: https://nfb.org/marrakeshfactsheet

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