[Cccnfbw] FW: Stepout at Battleground

robert sellers robertsellers500 at comcast.net
Tue Aug 23 08:26:32 UTC 2011



For those who want to sign up for the Diabetes Step Out walk on September

The forwarded email contains  the information needed. It's not much, but one
piece is if you are a 'red strider'. Not sure what it is but the other info
can be sent. If that is critical I'm sure you will get a response asking for


The e-mail to send you info to is:


lworley at diabetes.org






From: Lauren Worley [mailto:LWorley at diabetes.org] 
Sent: Monday, August 22, 2011 12:07 PM
To: robert sellers
Subject: RE: Stepout at Battleground


Hi Bob,


I'll need the following information to help people get registered:


First & Last Name

Mailing Address

Email Address

Phone Number

T-Shirt Size

If they are a Red Strider


Thanks so much!



From: robert sellers [mailto:robertsellers500 at comcast.net] 
Sent: Friday, August 19, 2011 12:24 AM
To: Lauren Worley
Subject: Stepout at Battleground





Last week I called and we discussed the stepout event at Battlegground on

We have a team from the local chapter of the National Federation of the
Blind that will be walking.

Our discussion was the possibility of someone assisting those walkers to
signup, since the website can be a challenge to assistive devices.

You suggested that your email address be given out and for those who wanted
to be signed up they could go through you.


My question is how much information  would you need to sign an individual

It would be greatly appreciated, if you could reply to this email with that


Thanks for your assistance.


Best regards,

Bob Sellers,

NFB team Captain




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