[Cccnfbw] You can help

Robert Sellers robertsellers500 at comcast.net
Mon Jan 4 06:16:03 UTC 2010


Here is a chance for CCC members to help  our fund raiser on 16 January.

Contact your friends, family or anyone you know, by email, phone calls,
smoke signals, etc.,  and encourage them  to come to the bluegrass concert
on Saturday, 16 January at Irish Town Bar & Grill, from 7-9 PM.

They won't find anybetter entertainment for a five dollar donation. 

If you are on a list serve, send a message about the concert over the list

If you have a space book or face book page or know someone who does, with
their permission, make a note about the event and supporting the NFB


Paula, Joanne and I have been actively handing out flyers to different


If you are interested in  taking or assisting in  the donations  at the
door, please let me know.



Bob Sellers






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